Since Independence, the Indian government has been working to create opportunities for neo-literate to grant them betterstatus/social mobility. Though these efforts are yielding some positive results, the challenge of creating a learning society is yet a formidable/distant dream. According to UNESCO, India still tops as the highest populated country with illiterate adults. This challenge has paved a way for LCT to step into the gap to provide literacy opportunity at the door step for those people who missed out the chance to step into school but are willing to learn.

Adult Literacy provides literacy instruction to neo literates using trained adult literacy tutors. The adult learners are taught to read and write and do simple arithmetic and become functionally literate. There is a significant transformation in the lives of the learners as a result of this program.

The aim of these programs is not only to make learners functionally literate but also to empower them by educating them on availing various schemes the government offers for starting self-help income generating projects on their own. Learners are also educated on socio-economic issues, health concerns, moral and ethical values to improve the quality of their life and live in harmony to work together for the betterment of their community. To achieve this goal, Letha had provided the training, literacy curriculum material in 30vernacular languages, along with various equipments such as blackboards, notebooks, slates, gaslights, charts & visual aids and also honorarium to both project managers and literacy teachers (animators).

Literacy Goals

Create communities having 100% literacy. Demonstrate transforming effects of literacy in the areas of Health, Social, Economic and Ethical Values of Personal,Family and Community lives.

Stop borrowing, start saving. Send Children to School.

At least 45% would be transformed for better Life. Establish Community Self Help Groups.

Literacy Tools

Besides training Letha Charitable Trust also provides Literacy Projects with teaching – learning tools like

1. Black Boards

2. Gas Lights

3. Slates / Note Books

4. Charts

Literacy Primers

The Adult Literacy Program plays a crucial role in bringing the desired change in the lives of non-literates throughout India.

To conduct structured and systematic Adult Literacy program for a period of one year we have developed Literacy Primers in three levels titled Our Hopes in 32 languages. The Adult Literacy Program with its five objectives is implemented by our partners in different states, which brings holistic transformation among the needy.

Self Help Training Programs

We believe that, by being able to earn a living from a skill is a long term solution to poverty. To implement this idea practically in the lives of the learners, we started the Self-Help Training Program.

As the name suggests, Self-Help Training Program is designed for those individuals who are interested in transitioning from employment to self-employment to elevate out of poverty to build a sustainable livelihood. Empowering the learners by providing training on livelihood and income generation household items such as candles, phenyl, washing powder, cleaning powder, shampoo, incense sticks, various pickles, jam, and sauce so that the trainees have the opportunity to improve their economic status and can Stop Borrowing and Start Saving. Business and marketing skills are also introduced to help them venture successfully in any field of their interest.

  • This year, overall 257 SHTPs Trainings were conducted across the nation where 5140beneficiaries were directly benefitted.
  • SHTP has enriched the lives of the participants and has improved their wages by 60%. Their average wage was raise from Rs. 104/- to Rs 172/- per day.

Health Awareness Camps

The goal of this program is to raise awareness on common ailments, promotion of nutritional food and eating habits, hygiene and sanitation, and preventive healthcare methods. This program helps the learners to manage their health condition and protect themselves from various diseases.

Camps are conducted for two consecutive days where comprehensive health services are provided free of cost. At the end of the camp, medicines are prescribed and distributed to the beneficiaries.

After attending HAP, many learners were acquitted with information on how to preventcommon diseases and other communicable diseases. They also get awareness about nutritious food, sanitation and hygiene to lead a healthy life.

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